Thursday, March 13, 2008


Of all my friends, Christal is the most spontaneous. The most likely to agree when I suggest a crazy trip or a late night bonfire. She's the one beside me when we tie our sleds to the back of her husband's truck and go careening down the side of a mountain! She is my neighbor, my blueberry tea maker, the warmer of covers when I'm sick, my almost-like-a-sister friend. And just recently my fellow gardener - you'll have to help me out a lot there Christal=)

When she l came to pick me up last Wednesday (to go shopping=) I thought she looked especially ravishing and as soon as I saw her I wanted to take pictures! So after shopping, we went to an old historic city and spent an hour taking pictures. We had a great time and would have spent longer (at the antiques shops=) but had to get back to pick up her son from school. A bit unplanned but I love spontaneity - actually I just love that word!

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